Enrollment Info Session


* Come check us out! * Who knows? * You just might find ACCS to be the best option your family didn't know you had! *

What is "Be a Royal for a Day"?

The is a day to come and get a taste for what it is like to attend ACCS. This is for students entering 7th -12th grade in the fall of 2025. Students will be assigned a current-student "buddy" and follow along with them for the day.

Start time: 8:15 & End time: 2:55. Lunch provided.

For a more personalize info session experience, set up a tour, call 320-763-4050, ext 306 or email, info@accsmn.org

Advantages of attending ACCS, includes, but not limited to:

*Biblical integration into all subject areas

*Biblical principles and values infused into school-wide and classroom culture

*A teacher to student ratio that can not be beat by any school in the area, leading to your child being seen and known

*Successful academic programs that engage the whole child (mind, soul, strength)

*Athletics & arts programs that extend discipleship from the classroom to the court, course, and stage

*Service learning experiences that develop mindsets of "thinking outwardly" and generosity

*A community of people (staff, teachers, parents, students, grandparents) to be the village we all need to help us raise our children

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